Friday, March 5, 2010

What a Walk

"Dr. Dan! Dr. Dan!" were the first words out of Grace's mouth this morning, because she knew she was going to see her favorite doctor. This was mostly a checkup and an opportunity to review the reports from the specialists and determine whether Grace needs any other evaluations. The minute she walked into the doctor's office, she started asking, "Where's Dr. Dan?" to the receptionist and the nurse.

Good news, she has grown a full inch since December 22 and gained 2 pounds. We were really hoping for more weight gain, but she is now 26.5 pounds and 36.25 inches tall. Dr. Dan is referring us to an orthopedic specialist to evaluate her chest and her flat feet, but besides that he was impressed by her progress. She talks constantly and has started saying words like: actually, talking, put, coughing, and other.

The sun has finally melted almost all of the snow, so Grace and I headed out on a long (gulyam) walk to the Mt. Zion Library complete with sunglasses, tissues, spring jackets, and a bottle of water. Of course I had forgotten how exciting it is to see an ambulance, 12 school buses, a dog in a fence, a fire truck, and five helicopters. Grace learned the word "loud" and yells it at the top of her lungs now after 5 National Guard helicopters flew overhead to demonstrate this new word so she could understand. She also is fascinated by schoolbuses so everytime she saw one coming we had to stop walking, wait to see if it would come past us, and wave at the driver. Next time we'll have to take a walk before 2:30 p.m. if we are in a hurry. Today she also discovered her shadow, so people in the neighborhood were probably looking out their windows and laughing as we danced around, kicked our feet, and played "Where's Gracie?" with our shadows. She was fascinated that her shadow could disappear behind mine and she could jump out and her shadow was still there. About halfway home, she wanted me to carry her, but I told her I was too tired and she made it all the way back home. She was laying down sucking her thumb at 7:00 p.m. so I think I wore her out today.

1 comment:

  1. Awe!! I love it!! I had my little guy outside quite a bit this weekend too... can't wait to have Elina home and have both little ones outside on the nice weather days!!
