Sunday, February 14, 2010

Valentine's Day

Adam told us that the Valentine's Day Dinner Theater at the church would be hilarious, and he was right. We had a wonderful evening. Gracie made a heart pin out of perler beads for Grandma's birthday, and she even helped by unwrapping Grandma's gift for her. We finally decided to let family hold Gracie once in a while earlier this week, so Terri and Grandma and Grandpa took full advantage while Gracie fidgeted from one person to the next. I was hoping that she would enjoy the drama since brother Adam was one of the characters, but I'm sure it is like watching a foreign film that lacks subtitles...She really didn't care about it except to point at Adam on stage.

During the last intermission, Mark received a phone call from his friend, Doug, who was calling from the Chinese New Year celebration at our favorite Chinese Buffet. We have really gotten to be friends with the owners who invited us to join their family last year for the after hours celebration, and they wanted us to stop by on our way home. It was getting really late, but we stopped just long enough to say "hello" to their family and for Gracie to get her first "lucky money" in the red envelope which is a traditional Chinese custom. What an exciting day.

Grace has had a cold this week, complete with the discomfort of a stuffy nose that makes thumb sucking nearly impossible. I also found out that cold medicine is no longer given to children under age 6. (Things have really changed in the last 20 years...) We moved Grace back into our room this week so that I could keep an eye on her during the night when she is fussy. She has been really tired, sleeping about 12 hours a day, but she isn't running a fever and doesn't really act sick. I hope we didn't overdo with all of the excitement tonight since she was feeling a lot better today...I guess we will know tomorrow.
I finally get to hold my niece!

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