Monday, February 8, 2010

So Much to Learn

Everyday is a new adventure...I stopped at McGaughey School to see if I could set up a Kindergarten Screening appointment and talked briefly with some of the Pre-K teachers. Bad news...Even though Grace is English Second Language, she is too old to go to the Early Childhood class in Mt. Zion next year, which was our plan. Her only options now are to start Kindergarten or to go to a private preschool somewhere. I talked to the interim principal, Mrs. Zinn, and she is going to check on the regulations for me, but it doesn't look promising. So, I need to check out some Pre-K programs and soon...

Grace has been learning more every day. I have really been trying to help her learn how to pretend, so we push the stuffed animals around in the wagon, make pretend food out of playdoh, and jump like the monkeys on the movies. I have been trying to work on some of the skills she will need for school next year, too, but it is so hard to figure out what is most important right now. She now says that she is "Gracie Daniela Dunham" and that she is 5. We glued macaroni onto some paper to make her name (but she doesn't like to get anything on her fingers) and have been trying to learn a few new songs. She has been making things out of perler beads as we practice her colors, but she doesn't remember the color names yet. She really likes the Eensie Weensie Spider (Mark says its Itsy Bitsy...), 5 Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed, and Jesus Loves Me. She likes gluing paper shapes into lines on paper and she knows that the letters on the pages of books are the words. She points to them when she "reads" to Mommy and Daddy and tells us to "Listen!" Her favorite thing to do, though, is taking pictures. She begs to use our camera, tells everyone to smile, and clicks away. She really is pretty good and doesn't cut off our heads too often. We really need to get her a cheap camera of her own so she won't end up breaking ours...Maybe tomorrow.
Pizza, green beans, pretzels, apples, and corn...Yummy!

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