Friday, December 25, 2009

A Christmas to Remember

Grace slept until nearly 10:00 this morning, so she obviously doesn't understand how exciting Christmas morning usually is for children. I made my usual breakfast of egg casserole and monkey bread and then it was time for presents. Grace loved throwing away the wrapping paper and passing out the presents. When we told her who the presents were for, she carried them to the right person and made a stack of presents for herself, too. She just didn't really care whether she opened any of them. In fact, we had to help her to get through her stack. She was content to sit with Mommy and watch everybody else.

She got a green turtle necklace, because "turtle" was the first word she said in English, coloring books, stickers, books, snap beads (which are too hard for her), the movie Cars (from her brother Blaise who know how much she loves the colata), a picture Bible (from Vince), and a butterfly ring (from Adam). She really liked playing on the slide/play gym that was added to the living room, too.

We headed to Aunt Terri's house for supper and she was showered with piles of gifts there, too. She is going to be the best dressed person in our family! She loves to look at herself in the mirror, so these new clothes will help her to keep her "Princess Grace" nickname from Daddy. We found out today that Grace loves Mommy's green beans. In fact, when everyone else was snacking on cookies and candy, she had an extra helping of green beans...She also really liked Aunt Terri's cat, though, Missy didn't return the affection and hid out in the back bedroom.

Grace was definitely our best Christmas present. I still can't believe that she is here. I get hundreds of kisses everyday and Grace says, "I love you, aste obichem" starting with the first moment that she sees me in the morning. She is a mommy's girl. Sometimes, Mark has to be very creative just to give me a few minutes alone in the bathroom. Usually she is talking to me through the door even then. She loves playing with the Leap Frog alphabet and numbers game that is on our refrigerator. Right now she sings the ABC song with the beginning and ending parts correct. We pray all the time, too, because she loves saying "God is great...and Amen!" We just stop everytime she puts her hands out and say the prayer over with her. She says please, thank you, nasdrave/bless you, panties, bath, hot, cold, orange, milk, juice, Mickey Mouse, telephone, I love you, and slippers. We have figured out a new Bulgarian words too: "Vees" means look, "die" means give it to me, "neskimato" means no more, and "askimato" means more. At least we think these are right.

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