Friday, September 4, 2009

When Will She Be 5?

I got an email from the social worker with our home study agency asking for an update, so I told her about our visit and our current status of "waiting." She was happy to hear about our progress and was anxious to help us get the US paperwork in order. She also said that if we were not positive that Gracie would have her Bulgarian visa before her 5th birthday in January, that we would need to update the home study document (complete with another home visit since she is not the social worker from our previous home study), send it for DCFS approval, and then get a new updated I-171h from the Department of Homeland Security which can take weeks or months. This just didn't make sense to me since our home study approves us for a child age 0-5 years, and Gracie turns 5 in January. I thought that she would be 5 years old until she turns 6 in 2011. Well, today she replied that, although it makes perfect sense that she will continue to be 5 until her 6th birthday, apparently most countries don't look at it this way. I guess on her birthday, she actually will start being older than 5! So now...we are waiting for more information from our Bulgarian agency to find out if we need to update our home study for ages 0-6 just to be certain that we don't have another delay. We really want to get Gracie home quickly, and we really don't want to pay for a home study update and struggle with the Department of Homeland Security again. (DHS is the office that denied our home study after we waitied 3 months saying we were missing some documents and then called a month later to say that they had made a mistake.) Usually the wait between the first and second trips is 2-5 months. We know that God's timing is perfect, but please be praying that His timing is also swift!

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