Thursday, March 11, 2010

The Testing Begins

I expected that eventually the honeymoon phase would pass and the testing would begin...Grace has decided that she likes being able to get adults to do what she wants and being catered to at about the same time that Mark and I are getting tired of her whining. This week we have been hearing her favorite new word, "What?" after nearly every statement and her little grumble, grunt, and point routines have been increasing. She has learned enough English to respond verbally most of the time, so we have been ignoring the charades and responding to her needs when she speaks. It is beginning to work, but we have to remind her to "use her words" (the phrase borrowed from Vince) repeatedly. She also has become more stubborn. She has been ignoring me when I ask her to pick up toys, saying "no" to my lunch choices, refusing to hold my hand sometimes, and telling me what she does and doesn't want to wear every day. She tells me daily that she wants to wear earrings, argues about the color of her socks, and pouts if she can't hold the hairdryer in the morning. Last night, she did not want to quiet down to sleep. She kept talking, kicking her feet, singing, asking for a drink of water, and wiggling around. Finally I sat her on my lap and looked at her seriously while I explained in a firm, but calm, voice that it was time for bed, Mommy was the boss, and Gracie had to do what Mommy and Daddy told her to do. Now Gracie needed to go to sleep, not play.

Grace dropped her head, gave her best pout face, and sighed. I rocked her for a few seconds before she started mumbling quietly, "No Mommy boss. Gracie boss. Gracie boss. No Mommy boss." I'm sure she could feel my body shaking as I tried desperately to hold back my laughing. A few minutes later, she said, "I love Mommy," gave me a kiss, started sucking her thumb, closed her eyes, and went to sleep. I am sure this is only the beginning of the challenges...

1 comment:

  1. Oh Gail, you made my night tonight, I just went through the temper tantrum routine with Connor with my "Mommy is the boss"... so I feel your pain... and I can understand you wanting to laugh... there are moments that are so funny like Connor's pouting with hand on the hips... it is even funnier when it is a boy!! And it is so hard for me to keep a straight face... sometimes I have to turn around and even walk away!! :)
