Friday, January 22, 2010

Where is that Gas Station?

We need a rocking chair! Frequently, I am spending 20-30 minutes at night holding Grace and rocking her while I am sitting on the bed. I am exhausted. (No comments about the workout program that I was going to start a few months ago...) So, we checked out the local furniture store, 4-6 weeks to order one...We tried Springfield and found a glider and ottoman at Oak lifetime warranty, but half the price and it should be here in a week. Grace, like usual, was great on the trip and didn't mind our short stop at Children's Place and the food court at the mall. She loves the garlic rolls almost as much as Mom and Dad do.

Even though we stopped at the restroom in every locale, Grace said she had to go to the bathroom right after the last convenient exit. Sometimes she just wants to check out the hand dryers and automatic faucets, but this time, she seemed a little panicked, so Mark took the first exit we came to, Mechanicsburg. The sign said there was a gas station, but when we turned off and saw the arrow pointing toward a dark country road, we started to worry. A few miles down the road, we were relieved to see lights and a gas station, but as we got closer we realized that it was closed...

Improvise...I took out the fold up potty chair and Mark and I devised a plan. I'd hold the plastic seat by the side of the van and Mark would hold Grace (in the freezing cold) with her pants around her ankles. All Grace had to do was buy into the idea of going potty outside, hanging in the air next to the van...No problem... except for the fact that Mark decided to try to keep her feet up so that she wouldn't potty on her shoes, which made her potty on top of the plastic seat, over onto my hands, and down onto my shoes. Way to go... By the way, she thought it was funny going to the bathroom outside and those baby wipes have many great uses. Oh, and the dark figure going to the bathroom behind the gas station wasn't really making a statement about advertising your store on the highway and then being closed at 9:00 PM, he just had to go, too.


  1. This is one of the parental challenges you never had to face raising three boys....Welcome to the club.

  2. Oh my goodness!! LOL... this got me laughing!! I could only imagine!! Your poor shoes and poor Gracie's bum!!! ;)
