Monday, December 14, 2009

She is wonderful!

Today has been surreal...We packed everything last night and were ready to leave for the orphanage early today. After debating on what to take for her first day, we finally decided on the dress that Mark picked out a couple of months ago...It is size 24 months so we were worried about whether it would fit.

When we arrived with Deliana and Ivo, we met the director for the first time and she asked if we had any questions about Gracie. We asked again about her health and were told that she hasn't been sick at all, even with the flu going around, since our last visit and that she doesn't take any regular medications any more except for vitamins. When we asked about her kidneys, the director seemed clueless and had to call the doctor to ask. She told us they did a laser procedure on her kidney stone and she didn't actually have surgery, but I'm guessing by the 4 inch scar across her back, that she was wrong. We also found out that her best friend, Emanwewe, has already left the orphanage and was adopted by a Bulgarian couple. Mark and I had already decided that if she hadn't been, we were going to try to go back and get her, too.

The director seemed pleased with the suitcase filled with supplies and the coloring books and crayons that we brought. I gave her the note about my class and the photo of them with the supplies that they collected. I think she liked all of the gifts.

The director took us down to the play room and when they called her, two of the "aunties" came out and started crying. The children were all gathered around the doorway and windows to watch and were all calling her name. She just smiled from ear to ear. One of the "aunties" brought her to us and the workers all gathered around and hugged and kissed both of her cheeks. Their mood was such a mixture of joy and sadness...It was obvious that they all loved her, too. Of course, we both were so touched that we cried, too. We gave Grace the gifts and she handed them to each of the "aunties" as they kissed her good-bye and then they all posed for a few photos. We will be so glad to have these for her someday.

The "aunties" then took all of the clothes we brought, and they said she needed warmer clothes because she wasn't used to going outside. I guess a long sleeve t-shirt, a long sleeve shirt, a corduroy dress, diapers, training pants, sweater knit tights, leg warmers, socks, a scarf, hat, gloves, and a heavy coat weren't enough!  She looked like a snowman.

As we left, the director said that she needed to do something, a Bulgarian good luck ritual, where she threw a cupful of water on the ground outside the orphanage and Grace had to walk through the water on the ground for good luck. We did this and went straight to the car, because everyone was worried that she would get too cold. It was about 35 degrees Fahrenheit here today with almost no wind, so we thought it was pretty nice after this last cold spell.

Once we left, we really noticed a change in Grace. She was quiet and serious. We tried talking to her and so did Deliana (in Bulgarian) but she didn't respond. We strapped her into the middle of the back seat and headed to the store to get her passport photo taken. She cooperated, but she looks like she is about ready to cry in her photo.

Then we went to the immigration office to get her passport. It was crowded with people and she just wanted to look through the teller windows and to stay with Deliana. She decided she didn't want anything to do with us. Deliana was great. Every time Grace would try to have her pick her up, she would say, "no" and tell her to go with us. She was sweet and explained that we were going to go to an apartment and that in a few days we would take her to her new home. She still looked at us with fear. I'm sure she felt like she was being kidnapped by strangers.

She was great when we got to the apartment for about a half hour, looking around, checking out the toys, and exploring cautiously and then we started making the chicken and noodles for lunch and she started to cry. The big tears ran down her cheeks and you could tell that she was trying not to cry, but that she was just so scared and didn't know what to do. I held her on my lap and said everything that I could think of in Bulgarian that I though might comfort her...obichem te (I love you), tova e dobre (It's alright), ne plachi (don't cry), I'll be your mommy forever (As sam tvoiata maika zavinage) as I rocked her and hugged her. After that I just talked to her in English and hoped that the sound of my voice would be reassuring. It was heartbreaking.

Finally, the noodles were ready and we made her a plate of chicken, noodles, bread and butter, and gouda cheese that she had with the apple juice she had started when we first got to the apartment. She sat on a couch pillow to reach the table and although she can feed herself, we fed her most of the meal. She started getting better right away. And this girl can really eat! She'll fit in great with our crew.

We all took a nap together from about 2:00-3:30 with her snuggled right up next to me. She sweats a lot, so her hair was soaking wet when she woke up, but she was in such a great mood after her nap. She has a really sweet disposition, with a hint of subborn independence thrown in. Mark says this is "just like mommy." Of course, we know that daddy is never a bit stubborn.

After that, she became mama's shadow all day. She would just stand in front of me with her arms up any time I put her down. Mark had to give her airplane rides around the apartment just so that I could go to the bathroom. Tonight, she kept cuddling me and patting my face. She kept saying ako obichish, or something like that, which I think means (please) and grinning, leaning against me, and turning around every few minutes to give me kisses. She did give Mark kisses, too, as the day went on, but I think she is really used to women caregivers, so it may take her a little longer with him. She ate sausage, toast, eggs, cheddar cheese and milk for supper and even had a few bites of cookies and cream ice cream (which she liked but seemed puzzled by).

So here are a few other things we found out about her today:
1. She likes the TV and wants to stand right up close to it.
2. She wants to push buttons...the TV, the computer, cell phones, the washing machine, and the light switches. She understands "ne, ne" but will probably try it anyway and look at you to see if she is going to get away with it.
3. She likes music, can keep a good beat, and likes to dance to music.
4. She does NOT like to take a bath! She didn't like sitting in the water and especially did not want to wash her hair.
5. She loves the hair dryer and thought she looked beautiful (hubava) after it was done.
6. She really tried to sing "Jesus Loves Me" after she heard us sing it a few times.
7. She sucks her thumb, upside down when she's sleeping.
8. She wants to put everything in and out of containers, cups, crayon boxes, the Cinderella carriage (that was in the apartment), the backpack...
9. She loves the sunglasses and the toys in it and wore the bear (mechka) backpack a lot today.
10. When she roused up from her nap today, she rocked herself back and forth trying to go back to sleep. This is the only "orphanage behavior" we have seen so far.
11. When she eats, she picks up the plate and scoops the food with a little spoon into her mouth. She really tries not to use her fingers.
12. She loves washing her hands and did a great job of trying to brush her teeth.
13. She likes her lamb slippers and held them while we watched Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer. Then she put them back on to go to sleep tonight.
14. During the last few hours tonight, she talked up a storm, and told us to do things for her...We figured out most things because she would point or drag us by the hand.
15. She used the potty chair 4 times today, but she was wet twice...She really liked watching the toilet flush.
16. The size 24 months pants outfit and dress fit perfectly. The size 3T pajamas fall down around her ankles. She told me to tuck in her shirt to help keep them up, so I think she is used to this problem.

I know this is long, but here is what you were waiting!
This is the doctor who has taken care of me.
The aunties all love her very much.
This auntie on the left was crying because I was leaving.
There are so many children still waiting.
Ready to go...I think.
Daddy walked me through the water for good luck.
I'm scared, Daddy.
It's okay...Don't cry.
How can I be so small and eat so much!
I love Mommy.
Daddy, these pajamas are too big.
I want that cell phone...Ne, ne.
What a day!

1 comment:

  1. Hi guys! Just had the chance to look at your updates. Wow!!! She is amazing and wonderful! It must seem like a dream to wake up and have her there. I am so happy for all of you. What a wonderful gift. Love you all .
    Love Melanie
